Hi, thanks for cheking out my luna cardigan. This is still a work in progress. plz dont look at the date on my tiktok videos. I can't seem to finish most of my projects without starting like 20 more. i'm bad at decision making and the second i figure out how to add a poll or a comment section so someone else can make a decision that I like, that is what i will do.
Any who..... This is a cool project, I crocheted what you see in the video in less then two days in a manic episode opps..... Its all done i just need help with the last squre then i can put all the peices together and it can live in my closet insted of my unfinished projects pile.
I also kinda wann do cool buttons ore a chunky zipper for it. its ment to look a little childish. i just don't wanna look boring and uncolourful in the winter and things like these go well over dark hoodies or cute long sleeved turtleneck jumpers. ily xoxo gossip goat